Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Assessment of Healthcare Facility in Shaqra, Saudi Arabia–A Population Based Survey

Mohammed Asad

Abstract :

A survey was conducted to assess perception of adult Saudi citizens on personal healthcare system in Shaqra town

by using a questionnaire to assess sample population's view on number and expertise of physicians and nurses, their
view on personal health care facilities in Shaqra town and an opinion about the overall health care system in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The
results revealed that majority of the respondents were not happy with number of physicians and expertise of nurses while little more than half
of them were happy with the expertise of the physicians. The general public recommends improvement in personal health care facilities in
Shaqra town and some changes in the overall health care system in the kingdom.

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Mohammed Asad Assessment of Healthcare Facility in Shaqra, Saudi Arabia–A Population Based Survey International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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