Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Assessment of ground water quality in Meerut Cantonment

Deswal Bs, Singhal Vk, Singh Bn

Abstract :

 Background: Residents in Meerut Cantonment have suffered from health problems due to consumption of contaminated drinking water in recent past. In this study some physical, organoleptic, chemical and microbial quality parameters were assessed in ground water source over three seasons. Method: Meerut drinking water is met by ground water drawn through 32 deep borewells. Raw water is collected from all these 32 borewells over one year during peak of winter, summer and monsoon seasons and analyzed for physical, organoleptical, chemical and microbial parameters at laboratories. Results were compared using WHO standards guideline values and statistically analyzed for seasonal variations. Results: The results show that all the parameters were within permissible limits. There were no significant seasonal variations found in concentration of water quality parameters of ground water in Meerut Cantonment. Conclusion: The ground water drawn from deep water table through tubewells was found to be without any contamination at Meerut. The increase in the morbidity during recent past was mainly due to contamination during distribution through water pipelines. Some of the water pipelines are very old and prone to corrosion. Distribution system of water supply should be closely monitored from pump houses to consumer ends. Corroded and old water pipelines in Meerut Cantonment and other similar stations need to be replaced in phased manner by concerned authority

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Deswal BS, Singhal VK, Singh BN Assessment of Ground Water Quality in Meerut Cantonment International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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