Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2017

Assessment of general awareness of type 2 Diabetes mellitus in Pune urban population

Shishir Joshi, Pranita Ashok, Jayashree S Kharche, Gayatri Godbole, Pradip Borle, Savita M Vaidya

Abstract :

 Background: Awareness of various aspects of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is essential for the prevention, management and control of the disease. However, several studies have consistently shown that awareness of DM in the general population is low. None of these studies, however, was conducted in Pune urban area, even though the condition constitutes a major public health problem in the country. Methodology: In this paper, we assessed the awareness of DM among diabetic patients attending the various health camps conducted in Pune urban area. We interviewed 500 subjects. We used a tool containing questions on patient’s demographic characteristics and general awareness of various aspects of DM including causes, symptoms, and factors contributing development of DM. Results: Of the 500 participants, study showed that one third (25%) of study population was unaware of what is DM. Only 50% of the participants were having knowledge about symptoms of DM. 77 % participants were having knowledge of increasing prevalence of DM. 63.97 % reported Mental stress, 61% reported obesity, 42.82% reported family history as factors contributing diabetes mellitus. Conclusion: In a nutshell study highlights that though most of participants know about diabetes mellitus, they have poor knowledge about symptoms and contributing factors for diabetes mellitus.

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Shishir Joshi, Pranita Ashok, Jayashree S Kharche, Gayatri Godbole, Pradip Borle, Savita M Vaidya, Assessment of general awareness of type 2 Diabetes mellitus in Pune urban population, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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