Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

Assessment of Drudgery of Women Farmers in Groundnut Cultivation

Rajshree Garasia, Dr. Suman Singh, Dr Hemu Rathore, Harshita Jain

Abstract :

India has the largest area under groundnut cultivation in the world and it is a major oilseed crop in the country. Rajasthan is one of the major groundnut producing states of the country. Most drudgery prone tasks performed by women in agriculture are cutting, uprooting, transplanting, weeding and sowing and post–harvest. Even for groundnut after the harvesting, removal of nuts and cleaning of groundnut seeds are performed manually.Thus, the present study was taken up with the objectives to assess drudgery in women dominated activities in groundnut cultivation. The study was conducted in selected villages of Bichiwada tehsil of Dungarpur district in Rajasthan. A sample of 30 women farmers engaged in groundnut cultivation from last 5 years were selected purposively to elicit information on drudgery involved in women dominated activities in cultivating this crop. It was found that the Physical load (17.77) was maximum in groundnut cultivation. The overall average Drudgery load for groundnut cultivation was 70.03/150, while Drudgery Index was 44.45 depicting Moderate to Heavy drudgery in cultivating groundnut crop.

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Rajshree Garasia,Suman Singh Assessment of Drudgery of Women Farmers in Groundnut Cultivation International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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