Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Assessment of Dental awareness, Knowledge and Attitude among the Nursing students in Kanpur city, India

Dr. Rohan Sachdev, Dr. Kriti Garg

Abstract :

 Oral health is an integral part of general health and oral health status of a person is usually determined by the presence or absence of dental caries

and periodontal disease as well as the level of oral hygiene found in the community. Nursing is an important discipline and is considered as an
essential community provider of health information and attitude formation. The aim of this study is to assess nursing students‘ knowledge attitude
and awareness regarding oral health. Material & Method: A cross–sectional survey conducted among the 250 nursing students from the nursing
college in Kanpur city. The data was gathered using a self–administered questionnaire, analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: The results of
the study showed that the nursing students had good knowledge about oral diseases but they showed interest to know more about oral cavity.
Conclusion: This study enlightens that nursing students have good knowledge about oral health; thereby they can help in improving oral and
general health of patients.

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Dr.ROHAN SACHDEV, Dr.KRITI GARG, Assessment of Dental awareness, Knowledge and Attitude among the Nursing students in Kanpur city, India, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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