Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Assessing Secondary School Teachers Attitude Towards Continuous And Comprehensive Evalvation in Terms of Location of Institutions & Gender

Dr. Reena Rani, Ms. Priya Dhingra

Abstract :

School is an institution where talents are nurtured. Therefore it becomes very important to continuously revise

and introduce such measures and schemes which will impact the mind, character and physical ability of the learner.
Indian education is moving from summative to a continuous evaluation system. CCE is conceptualized as a way of reforming the traditional
examination regime, particularly board examinations, in India which has gained quite notoriety owing to its prime focus on education selection and certification. This study is an attempt to find out teachers’ attitude about the scheme of continuous and comprehensive evaluation.
The result of the study indicates that there is no significant difference between the attitude of urban and rural secondary school teachers
towards continuous comprehensive evaluation. Thus urban and rural teachers have similar attitude towards CCE. The result also shows that
there is no significant difference between male and female teacher’s attitude towards CCE. It means that both groups have same attitude
towards CCE.

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Dr. Reena Rani, Ms. Priya Dhingra Assessing Secondary School Teachers Attitude Towards Continuous And Comprehensive Evalvation in Terms of Location of Institutions & Gender International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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