Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Assess the Knowledge Diffusion From Child To Child Regarding Firstaid


Abstract :

A Quasi-experimental study was carried out to give knowledge to the school going children and to evaluate the knowledge dissemination from elder children to the younger children regarding first aid.60 samples were selected by adopting simple random sampling technique. Interview schedule questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge .pretest and posttest was conducted for both the groups. Elder children intervention on first aid was given by the investigator and advised the elder children to pass on these intervention information to the younger children . The elder children post test score 60.73 was high when compared to pretest score 27.2 The range in posttest lowest level was 23, highest value 89. And younger children posttest mean score 44.86 was higher than the pretest mean score 26.16.The range in posttest lowest value was 22, highest value 68. Paired`t’ value in elder children shows that the intervention was effective. similarly, in younger children child to child approach was effective.

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DINARANI Assess the Knowledge Diffusion From Child To Child Regarding Firstaid. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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