Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Dr. Subhendu Ghosh

Abstract :

This paper concentrates on the study of sedimentary evidences for assessing the environmental dynamics of a palaeo–coastal part of Bengal basin during Quaternary period. The author has measured Dip And Strike to assess the stratiographichierarchy of the study area. Samples have been collected in aascending manner form the gully head to the gully floor in a fixed intervals. These samples Have been analysis by ORIGINE–LAB softwareThree materials are used for the study, the stratigraphy, microstructure of the sediment depositions and trace fossils. Forms of the sedimentary structures are studied during field work. It has been observed that various forms of sedimentary structure developed Quaternary period which represent the influences dynamic process condition in the present study area. Trace fossils, found in the sediment layers of this area, also strongly support the point that the environment of this area was remained dynamic during the Quaternary period. From the study it can be said that the evolution of this place can bedefined into three phases. The late Tertiary deposition shows that during that period this area was nourished by marine–coastal (tidal dominated) with low flow energy conditions which normally develops in hot and humid condition. During late Tertiary to early Quaternary period macro tidal coast became mesotidal (wave dominated). The second phase is the mid–Pleistocene period when the environment was stable and that influenced a continuous deposition of finer partials under low to medium flow energy condition. The third phase of the recent geological time is marked by shoreline shifting and modification of the environment. During the early to middle Holocene the shoreline started to shift which modified the geomorphic condition of this place from coastal to estuarine and then finally an inland fluvial area.

Keywords :

Microstructure   Dip   Strike     

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Dr.Subhendu Ghosh Assesment of Structural Condition in Thelateritic Badland of Western Part of Medinipur (West) District, West Bengal, India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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