Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016


N. Krishna Mohan Raju, D. Vijaya Lakshmi

Abstract :

 Independent India has been resumed its journey since 1946. It is fast approaching to complete 70 years of independence. Many virtuous things and wicked things take place in our nation after the British has left. Revolutionary changes in communication technology such as land line to cell phone, snail mail to email, 2d to 4d, calculator to computer and so on. At the outset, one can say that India, by using the domestic technology, is sending satellites into the space. At this juncture, can anybody be in a position to address/question personal aspects of life? Some petty issues under the discussion such as physical health, attitudes and beliefs, caste and religion, leaders, political parties, three tier systems, taxation, urbanization, life style, ecosystem etc. In this context, there is controversy about primary, secondary and ancillary issues. Can anybody define and decide that what are primary, secondary and ancillary?

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N. Krishna Mohan Raju, D.Vijaya Lakshmi Are these UNADDRESSABLE/ UNQUESTIONBALE/UNAVOIDABLE PROBLEMS? International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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