Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

Application of multimedia design principle in learning

Shinde P. U, Irani F. B

Abstract :

 The study is conducted for application of multimedia design principle as a cost effective tool for must know cardiac muscle knowledge. Two groups of first year MBBS Students– group A (n–20) were taught theory lectures and group B (n–20) were taught theory lectures with animations. In MCQ of 90% of Group B shows good to excellent performance; 65% of Group A gave good performance to excellent performance. The student’s feedback shows that–lecture with the animations received good and excellent remarks. The role of teacher as a source of knowledge and role model cannot be replaced by technology. Whereas Application of multimedia design principle in learning is useful for improvement in understanding, reviewing and self–study

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Shinde P. U, Irani F. B Application of multimedia design principle in learning International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 8 |August 2016

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