Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Application of Certificate Less Digital Signature Scheme in E–cash System


Abstract :

This paper introduces the concept of certificate less digital signature scheme and e–cash system.In this paper we propose an improved version of the CDS scheme provided by Harn, Ren, Lin. Our scheme provides signatures of lesser length for input of any file size. Signature generation and verification time are significantly minimized. Then we use this improved CDS scheme in the e–cash model. The main idea behind CDS is that there‘s a private key generator (PKG) which generates a partial private key for the user .Then using that key and some of its own private information the user computes its actual private key. PKG‘s public parameters and the user‘s private key together calculate the user‘s public key. Harn, Ren and Lin in 2008 proposed a CDS model which consisted of four generic modules namely PKG, user key generation, signature generation and verification. In this paper, we propose an improvement of the aforesaid CDS scheme in terms of time complexity and signature length and implement the new scheme in an e–cash model proposed by Popescu and Oros.

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Sridevi Application of Certificate Less Digital Signature Scheme in E-cash System International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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