Volume : I, Issue : III, August - 2012

Application Of Auditory Evoked Potentials In Differential Diagnosis Of Acoustic Schwannoma From Jugular Foramen Schwannoma –A Case Report

Archana, Ayasmuhammed, Saffa

Abstract :

The jugular foramen is a large aperture in the base of the skull which is located behind the carotid canal. It provides the passage for the lower cranial nerves (IXth,Xth and XIth cranial nerves).Tumors in this region are very rare and very few cases have been reported in the literature. The symptoms that are seen in this type of schwannoma are variable. It is also difficult to determine the exact location of the tumor within the foramen or the cranial nerve that it affects When the tumor is located in the intracranium, it maybe misdiagnosed as acoustic neuroma.So the present case study focused on importance of Audiological findings in differentiating acoustic neuroma from jugular foramen schwannoma further it helps n management of these conditions

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Archana, AyasMuhammed, Saffa Application Of Auditory Evoked Potentials In Differential Diagnosis Of Acoustic Schwannoma From Jugular Foramen Schwannoma –A Case Report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.III August 2012

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