Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015

Antimicrobial activity of Tribulus terrestris against urinary pathogens exhibiting ESBLs.

Dr. Y. A. Ranade, Dr. S. M. Dharmadhikari, Dr. P. A. Wadegaonkar

Abstract :

The increasing degree of antibiotic resistance exhibited by pathogenic microorganisms is a cause of concern. Since being a drug of choice the resistance shown for beta lactam antibiotics is of greater significance. Amongst the ways available to overrule this problem, usage of bioactive phytochemicals is a significant solution. The plant Tribulus terrestris, which is widely available in most of the regions of world, is thus screened in this study. Tribulus terrestris extracts (aqueous and organic solvent extracts viz. ethanol, chloroform, IPA, acetone, Ethyl acetate) were tested against three multi- drug resistant uropathogenic E. coli, UPEC2 (100% resistance), UPEC3 (94.11% resistance), and UPEC4 (88.23% resistance). After testing these uropathogens with Tribulus terrestris, Maximum activity (75%) was given by the ethanol extract which show zone of inhibition for three E. coli cultures and the type strain. The acetone extract shows 50% occurrence for zone of inhibition. The acetone, ethyl acetate, iso propyl alcohol and petroleum ether extract shows 25% positive results whereas the chloroform extract was unable to express any antimicrobial activity

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Dr. Y. A. Ranade, Dr. S. M. Dharmadhikari, Dr. P. A. Wadegaonkar Antimicrobial activity of Tribulus terrestris against urinary pathogens exhibiting ESBLs. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 2 February 2015

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