Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

Antidiabetic and toxicological studied of poly herbal compound –Mersina

Dr. Rafia Sultana, Dr. Syed Arshaduddin Ahmed

Abstract :

 The present study was carried out to evaluate the antidiabetic activity of Mersina(a ploly herbal compound) in alloxan induced diabetic rats and rabbits for 14 days. A ploly herbal compound (Mersina) at high dose (1000mg/ kg) exhibited significant anti–hyperglycemic activity than (500mg/kg and 250mg/kg) which is compared with standard Tolbutamide in diabetic rats. A ploly herbal compound (Mersina) showed reduction in glucose levels in normoglycemic and alloxan induced diabetic animals. Marcine showed significant regeneration of ß cells of pancreas and hepatic cells in diabetic rats. Histopathological studies reinforce the healing of pancreas and liver by Mersina, as a possible mechanism of their antidiabetic activity

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Dr. Rafia Sultana, Dr. Syed Arshaduddin Ahmed Antidiabetic and toxicological studied of poly herbal compound –Mersina International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 10 | October 2016

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