Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

AntiCorrosive Steel Rebar Coating Using Polyurethane and Latex

R. Rajam Padmapriya, R. Selvaraj, N. Mahendran

Abstract :

 Corrosion is the significant factor of affecting the reinforced concrete structure’s durability. The main concern of this work is towards anti–corrosive coating to steel components such as plates and rods. Two types of binders such as Polyurethane (water soluble, single carbonate system) and Latex was used for effective anticorrosive coating. To evaluate the performance of coating, various mechanical and chemical tests such as flexibility, bendability, aasion and adhesive test were carried out. The results were analysed focussing on corrosion resistance of the best coatings.

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R.Rajam Padmapriya, R.Selvaraj, N.Mahendran AntiCorrosive Steel Rebar Coating Using Polyurethane and Latex International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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