Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Anterior Dental Aesthetics & Depigmentation.–Case Report

Dr. Prajakta Valhavankar, Dr. Rhutuja Bhosale, Dr. Pramod Waghmare

Abstract :

A smile expresses a feeling of joy, affection & reveals self confidence & kindness. Pleasing smile has an important part of gingival tissue form. “Black gums & Disproportionally small teeth are the major esthetic concern of the young patient visiting dentists. Melanin hyper- pigmentation does not show any medical problem but patient complains of black gums. Aesthetic periodontal surgery gives opportunity to the patient to get rid off with “black gums & gummy smile.” It helps to boost patient’s confidence & improves esthetics. A case is reported here on the cosmetic correction of “Black Gums” and “Uneven Smile Line.” Aesthetic periodontal surgery combining gingival depigmentation and anterior esthetic crown lengthening was performed in a single appointment using scalpel.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr.Prajakta Valhavankar, Dr. Rhutuja Bhosale, Dr. Pramod Waghmare Anterior Dental Aesthetics & Depigmentation.- Case Report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014

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