Volume : VIII, Issue : III, March - 2019

Angina Bullosa Hemorrhagica- a series of 3 cases

Dr. Keshav Gupta, Dr Anshu Mangla, Dr Ankila Gupta, Dr Abhiraj Tiwari

Abstract :

Angina bullosa hemorrhagica considered a rare condition is characterized by hemorrhagic blisters and pain in the oral cavity caused by oily food, local trauma, dental treatment, steroids and diabetes. In Indian subcontinent it is very common after ingestion of oily food with pickles

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ANGINA BULLOSA HEMORRHAGICA- A SERIES OF 3 CASES, Dr. Keshav Gupta, Dr Anshu Mangla, Dr Ankila Gupta, Dr Abhiraj Tiwari INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2019

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