Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Anemic retinopathy in a case of dimorphic nutritionalanaemia.

Dranupama Tandon, Dr Sushil Ojha, Drneeraj Saraswat, Drdipendra Shukla, Drshweta Joshi

Abstract :

 We report the case of a 37 year old male patient who presented with sudden, non progressive loss of vision in the both eye since 7 days. An ophthalmological evaluation revealed the presence of flame shaped hemorrhages, Roth’s spots with cotton wool spots with subhyaloid hemorrhage involving the macula in the both eye. Hematological evaluation revealed the presence of Vitamin B12 Deficiency anaemia and Iron deficiency anaemia. In this case we present a case of dimorphic nutritional deficiency anaemia (Vit B12 and Fe deficiency anemia) where decreased vision was the presenting complaints.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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DrAnupama Tandon, Dr Sushil Ojha, DrNeeraj Saraswat, DrDipendra Shukla, DrShweta Joshi Anemic Retinopathy in A Case of Dimorphic Nutritionalanaemia. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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