Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018


Dr Satendra Singh Rajput, Dr Deepika Yadav

Abstract :

—  India contributes to about 80 percent of the maternal deaths due to anaemia in the region of South asia. Indian contribution both to the prevelence of anaemia in pregnancy and maternal deaths due to anaemia, is higher than warrented by the size of the population. This study was design for evaluation of anaemia in Antenatal and Postnatal woman and  their management and outcome All antenatal cases and postnatal cases studied, on admission Hb, management and outcome evaluated. On the basis of Hb blood transfusions, parentral iron therapy and oral iron therapy started. 29.03% mortalities are due to anemia out of total maternal mortality. 75 % of all cases is due to Iron deficiency which got complicated duringlabour and due to postpartum hemorrhage.Other 25% cases of anemia complicated with malaria, megaloblasticanaemia etc. So there is an urgent need for improving overall nutritional status of adolescents through Nutrition education, Community awareness and Supplementation programmes.

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Dr Satendra Singh Rajput, Dr Deepika Yadav, ANEMIA , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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