Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014

"Pulse Pressure of Blood Flowing in Lumen of an Artery is Directly Proportional to Tunica Intimal Density of Lipid as well as Carbohydrate of that Artery"–The Theory of Atherosclerosis Created

Dr. Keshaw Kumar

Abstract :

In order to observe proportionality, if any, between pulse pressure and tunica intimal density of lipid as well as carbohydrate, tissue of ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk was obtained during autopsy 1 cm distal to their commencement from 50 human adults to be preserved in 10% formalin ( for carbohydrate) and in Baker\'s Calcium Cadmium Formal Solution-1944 ( for lipid). Wall thickness and lumen circumference were measured in each arterial segment to calculate their pulse pressure in accordance with laws of arterial pulsation (Keshaw Kumar 1993).1 After processing paraffin sections of 10 micron thickness were cut with the help of rotary microtome to be stained with Sudan Black -B ( for lipid) and PAS ( for carbohydrate). It was observed that a ratio of 3:1 was existing between tunica intimal densities of lipid as well as carbohydrate in ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk resembling with the ratio of pulse pressures between these arteries i.e. (3:1). It was concluded that pulse pressure of blood flowing in the lumen of an artery is directly proportional to tunica intimal density of lipid as well as carbohydrate of that artery- the theory of atherosclerosis created by Dr. Keshaw Kumar.

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Dr. Keshaw Kumar "Pulse Pressure of Blood Flowing in Lumen of an Artery is Directly Proportional to Tunica Intimal Density of Lipid as well as Carbohydrate of that Artery" - The Theory of Atherosclerosis Created International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014

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