Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank And Rural Development An Empirical Study

Dr. M. Venkatasubbaiah

Abstract :

World Bank (1975) defined rural development as a strategy designed to improve the economic and social well-being of a specific group of people, that is, the rural poor. It involves extending the benefits of development to the poorest among those who seek a livelihood in the rural areas In the context of democratic and developing economies rural development means sustained growth of income of the rural people along with the distribution of income and economic assets in favour of the poorer sections of the society in such way as to progressively remove poverty and unemployment in rural areas. The present paper seeks to examine the impact of Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank finance on Rural Development.

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Dr. M. Venkatasubbaiah Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank And Rural Development An Empirical Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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