Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Andhra Pradesh as Destination Tourist State– Review of Status and Roadmap for Future

Dr. K. V. S . N. Jawahar Babu

Abstract :

The present conceptual paper entitled “Andhra Pradesh as Destination Tourist State- Review of status and Roadmap for Future” dwells on the potential of the state in attracting tourists from domestic and overseas locations, its rich cultural heritage and geographical splendor and historical significance. The factors significant for development of tourism industry were identified, and SWOT analysis of Andhra Pradesh in its endeavour to become Destination Tourist State has been provided. Suggestions are given in line with the lofty objectives of Tourism Policy of Andhra Pradesh 2012, to make the state a destination tourist spot

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Dr. K. V. S .N. Jawahar Babu Andhra Pradesh as Destination Tourist State- Review of Status and Roadmap for Future International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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