Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Analyzing the motivating factors of weeds associated arthropods in agricultural field

Dr. S. Dinakaran, Dr. B. Geetha, Vanitha K

Abstract :

 Graph labeling is an important area of research in Graph theory. There are many kinds of graph labeling such as  Graceful labeling, Magic labeling, Prime labeling, and other different labeling techniques. In this paper the Prime  labeling of certain classes of graphs are discussed. The splitting graph of a graph G corona of Cycle graph Cn and A stepwise algorithm is  given to prove that both these classes of graphs satisfy prime labeling

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Dr. S. Dinakaran, Dr. B. Geetha, Vanitha K Analyzing the motivating factors of weeds associated arthropods in agricultural field International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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