Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Analysis of Various Performance Measures of a Cold Standby System with Arrival Time of Server

Ashish Kumar, Indeewar Kumar, Monika Saini

Abstract :

The present study deals with the performance measures of a cold standby system with arrival time of server. For this purpose, two stochastic models are proposed here in which one unit is operative initially and other is kept in cold standby. There is a single server who always remains available in model–I whereas it takes some time to arrive in the system to perform repair activities in model–II. In both models, preventive maintenance is performed after a pre fixed maximum operation time and priority is given to operation of system over preventive maintenance. The failure time, maximum operation time follows exponential distribution whereas waiting time, preventive maintenance and repair are arbitrary distributed. Recurrence relations of various measures of system performance are obtained by using semi–Markov processes and RPT. To compare the performance of stochastic models difference graphs of several reliability measures are depicted 

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Ashish Kumar, Indeewar Kumar, Monika Saini Analysis of Various Performance Measures of a Cold Standby System with Arrival Time of Server International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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