Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Analysis of Responses of Food Processing Industres in Himachal Pradesh

Aparna Maitra Pati, Sukhjinder Singh, Doulat Ram, Paramvir Singh Ahuja

Abstract :

Bestowed with rich plant diversity Himachal Pradesh has immense scope in the area of Food Processing Industry. The potential of MSMEs in food sector have not been tapped yet. A sample of 25 food industrial units from five districts of H.P. was selected for study to understand the problems regarding technology, management and research needs of these units for enhancing quality production of food products.

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Aparna Maitra Pati, Sukhjinder Singh, Doulat Ram, Paramvir Singh Ahuja Analysis of Responses of Food Processing Industres in Himachal Pradesh International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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