Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Analysis of opercular movement in Honey Gourami Colisa chuna and Blue Gourami Trichopterus sumatranus upon exposure to Paracetamol

Ms. Anjali Mali, Dr. Devdatta Lad

Abstract :

Fishes are very sensitive to changes in surrounding environmental conditions and they come under stress. Opercular beat rate has been used to provide a measure of response to stress in fishes. Various studies have revealed that

either the opercular beat rate increases or decreases upon exposure of fishes to toxic compounds. In the present research study the analysis
of opercular movement in Honey Gourami Colisa chuna and Blue Gourami Trichopterus sumatranus upon exposure to Paracetamol is being
done. Upon periodic exposure to 50 mg of Paracetamol every 30 mins have shown slight decrement in the opercular movement initially but
after few hours the opercular movement of both the species have increased and came to nearby normalcy. From the above results it can be
concluded that paracetamol does not have much deleterious effects on the opercular movement of Honey Gourami Colisa chuna and Blue
Gourami Trichopterus sumatranus. This may be due to sturdiness and high level of adaptability to changing conditions as seen in Gouramis.
Also the Gouramis are labyrinth fish as they have a special organ, known as the labyrinth, which allows the fish to eathe air from the surface
of the water. The labyrinth organ must be assisting the Gouramis to tackle the physico - chemical changes in the water.

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Ms. Anjali Mali, Dr. Devdatta Lad Analysis of opercular movement in Honey Gourami Colisa chuna and Blue Gourami Trichopterus sumatranus upon exposure to Paracetamol International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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