Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Lavanya. J, Dr. M. Sasirekha

Abstract :

 AIM – The aim of the present study is to analyze the knowledge of anatomy among final year medical student and status of anatomy as a subject. METHODOLOGY– The study group includes 136 final year medical students. A surprise anatomy quiz was conducted for them. The quiz constitutes 20 MCQs and sections include clinical anatomy, surgical anatomy, developmental anatomy, surface anatomy and micro anatomy. The time duration was 10 minutes. After the completion of quiz a short survey was conducted, which includes five statements. The statements of survey were framed to understand the status of anatomy as a subject among students and awareness of the scope of research. Later a reinforcement classes were conducted to refresh the knowledge of anatomy and a post test was conducted with similar question pattern and different set of questions in similar sections. RESULTS – The post test mark scored by the student presented a significant difference than the pre test with p value <0.0001. Similarly the pass percentage in post test is 82% which differed significantly with p value <0.0001. CONCLUSION– The results of the survey suggested that anatomy classes should be reinforced in the clinical years. The teaching methodology and the curriculum should be in such a way that the knowledge of anatomy should retain in the memory of students even in the final year.

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LAVANYA.J, Dr. M. SASIREKHA Analysis of Knowledge of Anatomy Among Final Year Medical Students International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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