Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Analysis of Inpatient Prescriptions in Department of Surgery: A Retrospective, Cross Sectional and Observational Study

Dr Gurpreet Kaur Randhawa, Aanandita Singh, Dr. Navreet Kaur Natt

Abstract :

 Background: Irrational prescribing is a major contributing factor towards increase in mortality, morbidity and health costs. Methods: The inpatient case records of 200 patients were analysed using the WHO/INRUD prescribing indicators and the data was presented using descriptive statistics. Results: The study showed average number of medicines prescribed/encounter 5.97±2.33, percentage encounters with antibiotic and injectables 23.64% and 47.46% respectively, percentage drugs prescribed from EDL–WHO was 29.33%, NLEM India 42.36%  and Punjab State EDL 43.05%. Conclusion: Polypharmacy, overuse of injectables and prescribing by and names were the challenges identified

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr Gurpreet Kaur Randhawa, Aanandita Singh, Dr. Navreet Kaur Natt, Analysis of Inpatient Prescriptions in Department of Surgery: A Retrospective, Cross Sectional and Observational Study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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