Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Analysis of genetic diversity of Lagenandra spp. (Araceae) of Kerala (South India) using ISSR Markers

Prakashkumar R. , Anoop K. P. , Sivu A. R. , Ansari R. , Pradeep N. S. And Madhusoodanan P. V.

Abstract :

 The Present study reveals the molecular variations in different species of Lagenandra, an aquatic plant collected from different geographical areas of Kerala State, India. Molecular analysis was carried out using ISSR markers. Out of the 18 primers screened, a total of 66 scorable polymorphic markers were generated. The genetic distance between the population ranged from 0.0016 to 0.0271 and the genetic identity ranged from 0.9732 to 0.9984. The standard deviation of Gene diversity, Shannon‘s Information index and effective number of alleles are about 0.1468, 0.0719 and 0.0866 respectively. It is evident that that there is distinct genetic variability among Lagenandra species, occurring in Kerala

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Prakashkumar R., Anoop K. P. , Sivu A. R., Ansari R., Pradeep N. S. and Madhusoodanan P. V. Analysis of genetic diversity of Lagenandra spp. (Araceae) of Kerala (South India) using ISSR Markers International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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