Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Analysis of Drinking water quality of Underground Water from villages of Visnagar Taluka area, DistrictMehsana, Gujarat, India.

D. K. Panchal

Abstract :

 In this study the water sample were collected from different villages of Visnagar taluka area of Mehsana district, Gujarat state, India. For the analysis of  the water sample various types of Physico–chemical parameters as like as pH ,Total dissolved solids TDS, Total Hardness, EC, Ca+2, Mg+2 were studied. The underground water samples were taken from ten different villages of Visnagar taluka and the analysied physic chemical parameter data were compared with the standard drinking water quality data of World Health Organisation (WHO) and Bureau of Indian standard (BIS). From the analysis it was found that the some of the water sample data were not in the standard drinking water range but most of the samples were in the permissible limits of the standard range

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D.K.Panchal, Analysis of Drinking water quality of Underground Water from villages of Visnagar Taluka area, District-Mehsana, Gujarat, India. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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