Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

Analysing Future Expectations on Job Satisfaction of Engineering College Teachers at Puducherry For a Few Factors Using Fuzzy Logic

Mrs. A. Rajareegam, Dr. I. Christie Doss

Abstract :

This research paper discusses the analysing future expectations on job satisfaction of teachers in Engineering Colleges at Puducherry for a few psychological factors using Fuzzy Logic. Today, there is generally a widespread of engineering education has deteriorated because of mushroom growth of Engineering Colleges in India. A vast network of mediocre and substandard institutions has spring up due to unplanned and uncontrolled proliferation of ill equipped; ill provided and inadequately staffed colleges with less salary without concern for quality. At present, in spite of various plans and programmes to improve the conditions of teachers, serious attempts have not been made to identify the factors affecting the Job Satisfaction of teachers in Engineering Colleges for they have great impact on the youth to maximize the profession of Engineering. It becomes necessary to judge the Job Satisfaction of the Engineering College teachers, so as to develop the budding Engineers of the present scenario. To achieve the objectives of the present study, the normative survey method was used. In this study, �Job Satisfaction� is alone taken as the independent variable and Subject Specialization, Periods/Week, Salary/Month, Timely Promotion and Teaching Experience are taken as five dependent variables. Job Satisfaction is analyzed in terms of the future satisfactory conditions of the Engineering College Teachers at Puducherry using Fuzzy Logic Method.

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Mrs. A. Rajareegam, Dr.I.Christie Doss Analysing Future Expectations on Job Satisfaction of Engineering College Teachers at Puducherry For a Few Factors Using Fuzzy Logic International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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