Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015


Dr. A. K. Garg, Anshooda

Abstract :

<p>The anaemia is a very common haematological problem. It is primarily identified by haemoglobin estimation. The most common anaemia is iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) which is mostly due to deficient iron stage developed either due to blood loss or nutritional deficiency. The second most common type of anaemia is anaemia due to chronic disorders (ACD). This is the most common form of anaemia seen in hospitalized patients after the iron deficiency anaemia. The cause of ACD can be either infective, inflammatory, due to severe tissue injury or malignancy. The specific feature of this type of anaemia is hypoferremia with increased to high iron storage level in the form of serum ferritin. The ACD superficially resembles the iron deficiency anaemia in which the iron storage in form of serum ferritin levels are always low to very low and the red cells are always microcytic hypochromic. While in the ACD due to the chronic disease there is sufficient or very high levels of body iron stores in form of serum ferritin and the red cells can be either normocytic normochromic or microcytic hypochromic. Although the both types of anaemia can be easily differentiated by the ferritin test but due to high cost of these tests the physicians mostly instead of identifying the type of anaemia they presume all the anaemias to be of iron deficiency origin. As such the ACD also are being treated by iron therapy or multiple blood transfusions and thereby creating the problem of iron overloading and inviting the ill effects of iron overloading complications like haemochromatosis. A satisfactory answer to outcome of anaemia in this manner is not clear. The only remedy to this type of anaemia is to treat the cause of illness only. Because any negligence in identifying ACD from IDA can ultimately result to organ failure .</p>

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DR.A.K.GARG Anaemia Of Chronic Disorders In Respiratory Infections With Iatrogenic Iron Over Loading During Treatment In Hospitalized Patients International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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