Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

An usual parasite at an unusual site : A case report of Breast Filariasis

Dr. Fatema Topiwala, Dr. Sandhya V. Poflee, Dr. Amrapali L. Gaikwad, Dr. Anuradha V. Shrikhande

Abstract :

 Lymphatic filariasis , mainly caused by Wucheria bancrofti, is a major public health problem in tropical and subtropical regions. There are many extranodal sites of filariasis like thyroid, soft tissue, ascitic fluid etc. Breast is one of the unusual sites where this parasite presents as a lump and may mimic malignancy. Demonstration of filarial worm in fine needle aspiration plays a crucial role in the early diagnosis and institution of specific treatment. We report a case of east lump in 40 years female that on fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) revealed gravid filarial worm with inflammatory reaction. The lump resolved on antifilarial treatment. High index of suspicion of parasites should be kept in mind while interpreting FNAC from lumps and nodules at any body site.

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Dr. Fatema Topiwala, Dr. Sandhya V.Poflee, Dr. Amrapali L.Gaikwad, Dr. Anuradha V. Shrikhande An usual parasite at an unusual site : A case report of Breast Filariasis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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