Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

An unusual occurrence of Two Palatal Canals in Maxillary First Molar - A case report.

Chandrasekaran Charanya, Manavalan Madhana Madhubala, Sekar Mahalaxmi

Abstract :

The endodontist should have a detailed and thorough knowledge of root canal anatomy to effectively perform endodontic treatment, negligence to which might lead to endodontic failures. Maxillary first molars show considerable variation in root canal anatomy with respect to number of roots and number of canals. Literature states that canal variations can reach up to 33% in maxillary first molars. There is an overall low prevalence (<2%) of anatomic variations in the palatal canal of maxillary molars among different populations.This case report deals with one such palatal canal variations in maxillary first molar with 4 canals: 2 separate palatal canals, mesiobuccal and distobuccal canal and its management..Clinician awareness on careful assessment of extra palatal canal in maxillary molar teeth using conventional radiograph has been reinforced in this case report to achieve long term success in endodontic treatment.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Chandrasekaran Charanya, Manavalan Madhana Madhubala, Sekar Mahalaxmi, An unusual occurrence of Two Palatal Canals in Maxillary First Molar‾A case report., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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