Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

An unusual case of perineovaginal fistula in a young female: A case report.

Dr. Aparna Kanungo, Prof. Dr. Sibaram Mahapatra

Abstract :

Urogenital fistulas may be a result of a congenital anomaly, gynaecologic surgery, obstetric trauma, cancer, radiation therapy, gynaecologic trauma or instrumentation or infection (1).Perineovaginal fistulas, an opening through the vagina into the perineum, are extremely rare types of urogenital fistulas most often occur secondary to some other cause or perianal disease. In this report, we discuss an unusual case ofperianal fistula in a young female of 22 years of age, who presented with intermittent history of passage of perianal mucoid discharge for two months duration which gets temporarily healed with conservative management and again recurs. Imaging studies revealed a blind sinus track ending at the left intersphincteric space. Diagnosis of a perineovaginal fistula was confirmed on fistulotomy and examination under anaesthesia. This incidental finding is an extremely rare presentation in this age group.

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Dr. Aparna Kanungo, Prof. Dr. Sibaram Mahapatra, An unusual case of perineovaginal fistula in a young female: A case report., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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