Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

An Uncommon Presentation of Polycythemia Vera as Ischemic Stroke–A Rare Case Report

Dr . Koushik Gudavalli , Dr . Shilpa Chikati, Dr . Mohan Rao Jakkamputi, Dr . Kamal Lochan Behera, Dr . Swarna Latha Devi Gambir

Abstract :

In our evaluation we diagnosed the case as polycythaemia Vera by JAK2V6 17F mutation analysis and haematocrit greater than 60%, haemoglobin greater than 20 gm/dl. The case is reported here in view of its rare initial presentation.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr .KOUSHIK GUDAVALLI , Dr .SHILPA CHIKATI, Dr .MOHAN RAO JAKKAMPUTI, Dr .KAMAL LOCHAN BEHERA, Dr .SWARNA LATHA DEVI GAMBIR /An Uncommon Presentation of Polycythemia Vera as Ischemic Stroke—A Rare Case Report /International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.3, Issue. 5, May 2014

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