Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

An Overview of Consumer Behavior

Alina Ginghina

Abstract :

Consumers are those who determine the volume of sales and the profit of companies through their purchase decisions, therefore, their actions determine, in fact, the economical viability of the company. Any activity of the company must be conducted taking into account that customer has to be in the center of attention and marketing ings out into relief the necessity of anticipation and fulfilling the customer’s needs. Studying the consumer behavior starts with knowing the human behavior first, which is why the research in this area borrows concepts and theories from a lot of domains like Psychology, Sociology, Economics etc. This paper provides a ief insight into the meaning of consumer behavior and has the form of an overview of the representative literature regarding consumer definitions and models, along with classification of factors that influence it.

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Alina Ginghina An Overview of Consumer Behavior International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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