Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

An Organization Culture and Employee Behavior in the it And Ites Sectors in Coimbatore

Dr. S. Venkatachalam, Ms. D. Minerva Silviya

Abstract :

Culture is the conventionalized behaviour of the society and affects most of the actions of the individual without one’s conscious thoughts. Organizational culture is actually a subset of the culture of the society. The Information Technology (IT) and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITeS) industry has been one of the key driving forces fuelling India‘s economic growth. The ever fast changing business environment has made everything ephemeral in nature, so is organizational culture also. As organizations do not remain the same over a period of time, so is the case of culture. This articles analysis the Organization Culture and Employee Behavior in the IT and ITeS Sectors in Coimbatore.

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Dr.S.Venkatachalam, Ms.D.Minerva Silviya An Organization Culture and Employee Behavior in the it And Ites Sectors in Coimbatore International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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