Volume : II, Issue : I, January - 2013

An Ontology based Anatomy Approach to Temporal Topic Summarization

Reka Subbiyan, Sowmyadevi Kanagasabapathy

Abstract :

Anatomy based summarization method called Topic Summarization and Content Anatomy (TSCAN) was proposed to summarize the content of a temporal topic in existing work. A temporal similarity (TS) function is applied to generate the event dependencies and context similarity to form an evolution graph of the topic. A unique feature of TSCAN is the introduction of the event segmentation process to extract the semantic construct event before summarization. Experimental results indicate that both methods offer similar accuracy in their selections of the paragraphs.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Reka Subbiyan,Sowmyadevi Kanagasabapathy An Ontology based Anatomy Approach to Temporal Topic Summarization International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.I January 2013

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