Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

An Illusion of Honest Lokpal/Lokayukt in a Corrupt Democracy

Dr. Sonia Dutt Sharma

Abstract :

India is the biggest democratic country, in all over world. But as of 2010, India is amongst the most corrupt government in the world, thought one of the least corrupt in South Asia. Indian Prime Minister said on 18th March, 2011 that, India needs to deal with the malice of corruption and improve governance in Asia\'s third largest economy. India tops the list for black money in the entire world with almost US $1456 billion in Swiss Banks (USD1.4 trillium approximately) in the form of black money. According to the data provided by the Swiss Banking Association Report (2006), India has more black money than the rest of the world combined; Indian Swiss Bank account assets are worth 13 times the country\'s National Debt. A report by government auditor Controller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has said. As on March 31, 2010, unutilized committed external assistance was of the order of Rs. 1, 05,339 crores. the CAG said in its report tabled in Parliament on 18 March 2011. In fact the Indian government has paid commitment charges of 86.11 crore (US$19.12 million) out of taxpayer money during 2009-2010 in the form of penalty for not timely utilizing the aid approved by multilateral and bilateral leading agencies.

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Dr. Sonia Dutt Sharma An Illusion of Honest Lokpal/Lokayukt in a Corrupt Democracy International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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