Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

An Extremely Rare Case of Bilateral Ruptured Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy With One Tubal Molar Pregnancy in A Primigravida

Dr Yogesh A. Thawal, Dr Sanjaykumar Tambe, Dr Shruti Kallurkar, Dr Tania Anand

Abstract :

Bilateral ectopic pregnancy is an uncommon event with simultaneous rupture of both being rare. The rarest form of ectopic pregnancy is bilateral tubal ectopic pregnancy in which twinning occurs with pregnancy in both tubes. The fate of the two pregnancies are independent of each other .We report a case of 26 years primigravida with bilateral ruptured ectopic pregnancy. On histopatholgy report one sac showed molar pregnancy. In the past two decades there has been three fold rise in incidence of heterotrophic as well as tubal ectopic pregnancies with assisted reproduction techniques, but occurrence of bilateral tubal ectopic pregnancy is exceedingly rare. The incidence is thought to be 1 in 2, 00,000 intrauterine pregnancies and somewhere between 1 in 725 to 1 in 1580 ectopic pregnancies.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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DR YOGESH A.THAWAL, DR SANJAYKUMAR TAMBE, DR SHRUTI KALLURKAR, DR TANIA ANAND An Extremely Rare Case of Bilateral Ruptured Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy With One Tubal Molar Pregnancy in A Primigravida International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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