Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

An Exploratory Study of theSelected Psychological factors Among Criminals

Mr. Bhawani Singh, Dr. Vismita Paliwal

Abstract :

 It is been well researched that behind every crime there are some psychological manifestations.It may be seen that there are lot of crimes and criminal activities taking place in a country. The three types of crimes which are taken under the present study are murder, fraud and robbery.The purpose of the study was to assess the psychological factors among three types of criminals namely robbers, frauds and murderers. The sample of 30 was taken in the present study which was divided into three groups equally. The first group comprised of frauds (10), second group included robbers (10) and third comprised of murderers (10). The sample was taken from central jail of Ajmer district. The tools employed in the present research were PGI General Well Being Measure, Agnihotri’s Self Confidence Inventory and Perceived Social Support Inventory. Results showed that majority of the murderers were having low level of self–confidence.Criminals possessed low social competency, murderers felt that they receive very poor social support and majority of frauds perceived moderate level of general well–being.

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Mr. Bhawani Singh, Dr.Vismita Paliwal An Exploratory Study of Theselected Psychological Factors Among Criminals International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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