Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

An Exploratory Assessment of Productive ward in a JCI accredited Hospital

Dr. L. Kalyan Viswanath Reddy, Mr. Poshan Lal Gupta

Abstract :

 Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify and investigate the productive ward strength in connection by  compå the various wards in the hospital.  Design/methodology/approach – Simple random sampling is used for sample size of 60 patients and 25 employees of hospital.  Findings – The Cronbach‘s Alpha reliability for patient questionnaires and hospital staff questionnaires is calculated as 0.801 and 0.843  respectively. The operational efficiency is highest for IV B level which is of 85% ie; efficient ward in the hospital. Research limitations – Although the study has a limited sample size, it help in identifying, measuring, analyzing and calculating the compliance with patient expectations. The study has raised a number of issues which would form the basis for useful further research. Originality/value – The findings should be useful to hospital quality department to assess and improve service quality

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Dr. L. Kalyan Viswanath Reddy, Mr. Poshan Lal Gupta An Exploratory Assessment of Productive ward in a JCI accredited Hospital International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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