Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

An expeditious ,eco–friendly synthesis and Antimicrobial activity of Pyrimidine–2– thione derivatives

Dr. Shalini Jaiswal

Abstract :

Conventional method of organic synthesis usually need longer heating time, tedious apparatus setup, which result in higher cost of process and the excessive use of solvents reagents lead to environmental pollution. In the recent year microwave assisted organic reaction has emerged as new tool in organic synthesis and this is considered as an important approach toward green chemistry. This growth of green chemistry holds significant potential for a reduction of the by product & waste production and a lowering of the energy costs. The one pot condentation of phenyl thio–urea 1 with ethyl acetoacetate 2 and different aromatic aldehyde 3 using CdCl2 as a catalyst in solvent–free condition under microwave irradiation (2–4 min) gave Pyrimidine–2–thione derivative 4(a–f) with excellent yield is described here.  

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Dr. Shalini Jaiswal An expeditious ,eco-friendly synthesis and Antimicrobial activity of Pyrimidine-2-thione derivatives International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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