Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

An epidemiological study of chronic pancreatitis in India: A single centre study

Manohar Lal Prasad, Prajit Mazumdar, Malyaban Das

Abstract :

Introduction:Recent studies in India indicate that there is change in epidemiology of chronic pancreatitis. Hence, in this study we studied the different epidemiological factors of chronic pancreatitis in an Indian tertiary care centre.

Materials and Methods: Ours is a cross sectional study conducted on 50 patients admitted in  the medicine department of an Indian tertiary care centrebetween 2017–2019.

Results: There was overall male preponderance. Most of the patients with pamcreatitis had an idiopathic cause. Second most common etiology was alcohol consumption. Most common presenting symptom was pain abdomen(100%). Pancreatic calculi were noted in 38% patients. Computed tomography was very sensitive, abnormality was noted in all patients.

Discussion: Mean age of presentation was less than that of western population. Pain abdomen was present in all patients but it was very non specific. Chronic alcohol consumption was present in substantial percentage of patients. Computed tomography and ultrasonography of abdomen were very helpful investigations. Endoscopic retrograde pancreatocholangiography was by far the most specific investigation.

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Manohar Lal Prasad, Prajit Mazumdar, Malyaban Das, An epidemiological study of chronic pancreatitis in India: A single centre study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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