Volume : VI, Issue : IX, September - 2017

An Epidemiological Study of Burns injuries in Indian kitchen

Salesh Kumar Soni, Manav P. Suri, Jayesh P. Sachde, M. F. Shaikh

Abstract :

 Domestic burns, especially those occurring in the kitchen are a major cause of injury in the developing world. A prospective analysis of 403 patients (Outdoor and Indoor) who presented with kitchen related burn injuries to the Emergency and OPD was carried out from January 2015 to December 2016. All patients were analyzed in terms of mode of burns, type and severity of burns, age groups and gender involved, socio–economic status, literacy of patient and cooking appliances involved. Analysis of obtained results indicate that lack of education, low quality cooking appliances, lack of standardization of cooking appliances, improper technique of usage of cooking appliances ,lack of awareness of possible hazards and lack of awareness about fire safety measures are common modifiable factors associated with kitchen related burns. Increasing awareness by means of audiovisual media, inclusion of Burns Safety protocol in school curriculum and media campaigns are proposed as remedial measures to this effect. Also proposed is strict adherence to laid down manufacturing criteria for kitchen appliances and standardization of appliances, installing smoke detectors in locations at risk for fire, following basic safety precautions especially while cooking and ensuring that infants and children are kept out of harm’s way. 

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Salesh Kumar Soni, Manav P. Suri, Jayesh P. Sachde, M. F. Shaikh, An Epidemiological Study of Burns injuries in Indian kitchen, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-9 | September-2017

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