Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

An Empirical Study on Online Shopping in Temple Town of Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh

Dr. M. Kumudini, Dr. J. Nalini

Abstract :

Online shopping has become a major outeak in the world of information technology. History of online shopping starts not so long ago. In India people started online shopping with the growth of internet. People do online shopping because it facilitates number of comforts. Now - a -days, most of the people irrespective of gender are doing their jobs. They find themselves with no time in doing shopping in traditional way. They feel comfort in online shopping. Hence, an attempt is made to study in detail about the customer involvement in the online shopping. The present study is conducted in temple town of Tirupati. It is located in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh. The town in and around is famous for its temples. It is also a place for number of educational institutions. A sample of 50 is considered for the present study. The data for the purpose of study is collected both from primary sources and secondary sources. An Empirical study is made on various bases such as age-wise; gender-wise; occupation-wise; education-wise; income-wise, purpose-wise, website-wise and product-wise. The study also covered aspects relating to the mode of payment, level of satisfaction and problems faced by the respondents.

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Dr.M.Kumudini,Dr.J. Nalini An Empirical Study on Online Shopping in Temple Town of Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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