Volume : II, Issue : VII, July - 2013

An Empirical Study of Impact of Audiovisual Advertising on Children and their Families Buying Habits

Dr. B. V. Sangvikar, Prof. Anjali Chaudhari

Abstract :

The pare titled “ An Empirical Study of Impact of Audiovisual Advertising on Children & Their Families Buying Habits” gives an overview about the advertising, the various factors responsible for an effective advertisement for children, growth of overall advertising industry, growth of television advertising, major sectors advertising on television, major players of television advertising, growth of number of TV households, definition of child according to various laws & the impact of audiovisual advertising on children & their families buying habits. This paper seeks to link between television advertising and its influence on children and their family’s spending patterns. It was found that advertising influences children’s demand for everything right from toy to snack food. These demands create an environment of child-parent conflict. With the increasing income, reduction in the number of children and shrinking size of the family, the Indian child is also becoming influencing consumer for today and powerful buyer for tomorrow.

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Dr. B. V. Sangvikar, Prof. Anjali Chaudhari An Empirical Study of Impact of Audiovisual Advertising on Children and their Families Buying Habits International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 7 July 2013

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