Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012

An Empirical Study of Consumer Impulse Buying Behavior in domestic Markets (special reference to Ahmednagar, (M.S) India.)

Gadekar Vithal Laxman

Abstract :

This paper investigates the relationship between independent variables which are shopping lifestyle of consumers, fashion involvement of consumers, pre-decision stage and Post-decision stage of consumer purchase behavior with the attitudinal and behavioral aspects of impulse buying behavior. This study attempts to explore the association exists between the variables involved, by tapping the responses of 165 respondents from higher income group in the area of ahmednagar. The major findings of the study demonstrated an overall weak association of the set of independent variables with the dependent variable but, the in-depth analysis found that pre-decision stage of consumer purchase behavior is the only variable that resulted into strong association with the impulse buying behavior. It’s true that young people more often get attracted to products displayed on store shelves and has greater tendency of impulse buying behavior but results of this paper showed no association of impulse buying in higher income group of young people having prevalent impulse buying tendencies. This study reported new evidences in the field of impulse buying behavior of consumers pertaining to the domestic markets of the ahmednagar (India).

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Gadekar Vithal Laxman An Empirical Study of Consumer Impulse Buying Behavior in domestic Markets (special reference to Ahmednagar, (M.S) India.) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.II July 2012

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