Volume : II, Issue : XI, November - 2013

An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Behaviour on Insurance Products

P. Mohanraj, K. Gunasekaran, S. Pounsamy, S. Baby

Abstract :

Investment is a commitment of funds made in the expectation of some positive return. If the investment is properly undertaken, the return will be commensurate with the risk the investor assumes. Investment goals vary from person to person business to business. While some want security, others give more weightage to returns alone. The business of insurance is related to the protection of the economic values of assets. Every asset has a value. The asset would have been created through the efforts of the owner, in the expectation that, either through the income generated there from or some other output, some of his needs would be met. However, if the assets get lost earlier, being destroyed or made non–functional, through an accident or other unfortunate event, the owner and those deriving benefits there from suffer. The present study aimed that to know the investors attitude towards investment in private insurance companies particularly in Erode district.

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P. Mohanraj, K. Gunasekaran, S. Pounsamy, S. Baby / An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Behaviour on Insurance Products / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.11 November 2013

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